Charlie Brereton Director at Montana Department of Public Health | LinkedIn
Charlie Brereton Director at Montana Department of Public Health | LinkedIn
The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) in Montana is set to undertake a comprehensive review of its rules and regulations. This initiative, announced by DPHHS Director Adam Meier, aligns with Governor Greg Gianforte’s Red Tape Relief Task Force.
Director Meier encourages residents to contribute their ideas online regarding any rule or law applicable to the DPHHS for consideration. "We can always improve, and that is what this initiative is all about," said Meier. "DPHHS serves thousands of Montanans, and we’d like to receive as much feedback as possible. If there are improvements that can be made, we want to hear about it from the public."
The agency has established a Red Tape Relief website where suggestions and feedback can be submitted via the DPHHS Red Tape Relief Form. Participants are requested to specify which division of DPHHS their idea pertains to, identify the relevant statute or regulation impacted, describe the issue, and suggest potential solutions or improvements.
DPHHS will collaborate internally and with stakeholders for additional input and feedback throughout this process.
The goal of Red Tape Relief is to eliminate excessive, outdated, and unnecessary regulations while enhancing clarity, efficiency, and utility within DPHHS regulations through a thorough review. The anticipated outcome aims at saving taxpayer dollars, reducing costs for Montanans, and implementing efficiencies.
Currently, Montana's Administrative Rules contain over 4.7 million words. Furthermore, Director Meier noted that there are approximately 3,500 regulations from DPHHS alone covering various aspects of health and human services.
For inquiries about the initiative, questions can be directed to the DPHHS Red Tape Question form.